The North Suburban Kiwanis Club is dedicated to improving the lives of children in Minnesota. This passionate group runs a variety of impactful programs and projects that support local youth. From providing school supplies and winter coats to underprivileged students, to sponsoring leadership camps and awarding college scholarships, the Kiwanis Club is making a real difference. By supporting this organization, you can be part of uplifting the community and creating brighter futures for Minnesota's children.
Community Service
The North Suburban Kiwanis Club is all about building community through service. We roll up our sleeves and get to work on projects that uplift our neighborhoods. Whether it's reading to children, cleaning up a park, or serving meals to the hungry, our members are passionate about making a difference. Join us if you want to turn your desire to help others into meaningful action that creates positive change.
We're always looking for new ways to raise funds for our community programs and projects. As members, we operate the State Fair Kiwanis malt shop and understand firsthand the importance of pitching in. That's why we organize exciting fundraising events throughout the year. Our members look forward to these events not just as opportunities to support our mission, but to have fun together as a club.
Through the power of mentorship, the North Suburban Kiwanis Club works to nurture the growth of children. We connect caring adults with youth in need of guidance, offering programs that pair young people with mentors who provide support and foster healthy development. When a child is paired with a mentor, they gain a lifelong friend to encourage them as they learn and grow.
Youth Development
Community Outreach
The North Suburban Kiwanis Club is dedicated to nurturing the growth of Minnesota's youth. Through an array of initiatives that promote leadership, build character, and encourage volunteering, we are devoted to helping children thrive. Our club members are passionate about empowering the next generation to become compassionate, community-minded citizens.
The North Suburban Kiwanis Club has a passion for making their community a better place. Working hand-in-hand with local groups and businesses, they dig deep to pinpoint where help is needed most. Together, they brainstorm creative ways to roll up their sleeves and get the job done. Whether it's mentoring youth, feeding the hungry, or supporting the arts, this club goes the extra mile to strengthen their neighborhood.
The North Suburban Kiwanis Club recognizes that education lights the path to a brighter tomorrow. That's why we make it our mission to equip students with the tools they need to thrive. Through college grants, mentorships, and youth leadership programs, we empower young minds to unlock their potential.
Currently crossing our "T's" and dotting our "I's".
Stay tuned for more volunteer opportunities to come.